Cayo District, Belize (Wednesday, December 7, 2022) – Today, representatives from the National Meteorological Ser
vice (NMS) and Fortis Belize Limited (FBL) gathered at FBL’s John Evans Headquarters in San Ignacio, Cayo District to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU), agreeing to work collaboratively on data collection and research. The effort will focus mainly on sharing rainfall and other climate data as well as monthly inflow projections from the Macal River catchment area and information to help enhance the country’s early warning system and performance at FBL dams.
Insight into the Macal River hydrology and the climate surrounding the Maya Mountains will be new information for NMS and aid in their responsibility to mitigate climate change challenges and protect life and property. Both parties will share water level, rainfall, and temperature data. NMS will allow FBL access to the Flood Early Warning System and the two entities will share projections for, among other things, potential flood events. The MOU will also result in installing a new weather station at the Chalillo dam, one of several efforts to be carried out and maintained jointly between NMS and FBL.

The Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, Hon. Orlando Habet pledged his support at the signing, saying, “This Memorandum of Understanding represents a significant milestone in the development of public and private sector partnerships. It formalizes and builds on the relationship that these two organizations have in supporting initiatives towards Belize’s clean and renewable energy generation and production ambitions while strengthening the country’s resilience to climate variability and climate change.”
FBL President and CEO Kay Menzies was also present and expressed her commitment. She said, “We are excited to work alongside NMS. We see great value in partnering to improve data collection and research for Belize’s climate resilience efforts. Data is one of the world’s most invaluable assets today since having the right information at your fingertips is the difference between making a choice that’s ‘good enough’ versus making the best decision possible to have a positive and lasting impact. Reliable information that can inform analysts will help FBL and the NMS create more resilient plans for Belize’s sustainable future. This is critical, especially as we strive to combat climate change and mitigate any susceptibility to energy shortages and natural disasters.”
The NMS is the national authority on meteorological and climate-based products and services. FBL is currently the primary source of renewable energy generation in the country, providing up to 40% of the energy needs in Belize by way of three hydroelectric facilities that operate on the Macal River – Mollejon, Chalillo, and Vaca.